Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is your Dad to You? (question orginally by Danny Beckett)

Today, a Facebook Friend, Danny Beckett, posed a question about "what is your Dad to you?"
Well, what a God moment that was, because growing up without a Dad, I always wanted to salute my "Dad"...
You see,"I have a "composite Dad" as mine died when I was a year old. "Composite Dad" is made up of friends' dads, uncles, pastors,some church leaders,teachers,brothers' friends, my MOM (single working parent)current and former bosses,my late father-in-law and my two big brothers...They gave me all the opportunities that any boy would hope to gain from a Dad, friendship, honesty, integrity and even a swift kick in the butt when I needed it...God bless, Dads and "Composite Dads".

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