Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thoughts for Political Candidates going into Primary Elections...

As we come to Primary election time in Michigan, it is time to give our candidates a little reminder call on what, and whom, they should perhaps focus on if elected to represent us...

As Frank Luntz,well known public opinion pollster, writes in "What Americans Really Want, Really".. his research showed what the top 15 personal priorities Americans concern themselves with...These could be a great "road map" for any politician to focus energies..The Top 5 were:
1. A Loving family
2. Good Health
3. Financial Security
4. Happiness
5. Eventually going to heaven
So, it looks like government can help in the "Good Health" and "Financial Security" areas with things like catastrophic medical expense protections, access to affordable care, quality/relevant education, economic fairness, infrastructure to enable commerce and our safety...the other areas we, our friends, neighbors, faith communities, families can take care of ourselves...

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