Monday, February 16, 2009

Healthcare Reform Now!

Healthcare reform without a Single Payor model? YES! Where patients and doctors decide on treatment plans? YES! Where Insurance Agents serve as consumer advocates? YES! Where funding is taken off the back of US Employers? YES! Where everyone is covered? YES!
Follow this section, as this should trigger some great stuff as this is a hot issue with the Obama team as well...


  1. The US system is so fragmented, administrative issues alone eat up piles of cash. For example we have provider and payor systems for; Veterans, Active Military Families, Federal Employees, Federal Officials, Medicaid(SCHIP's,Medicare,Charities,Private Pay,Coporate Sponsored, Etc.
    Most of these programs have contracts with regional payor networks like Blue Cross Associations, or insurers like Aetna and Humana.
    So, why all the "special programs" with each bureaucracy?

  2. For a great primer on healthcare systems around the globe, check out the PBS Frontline production, "Sick Around The World" by T.R. Reid.

  3. Take my survey on Healthcare Reform priority.

  4. I heard a recent commentary that the US pays approximately $4,000 per person/yr for healthcare. And that's not providing protection for all!

    So, I looked at how much the premium is for Federal employees, living in West Michigan, using a High Deductible(more on this later) plan option.

    Here is the data:
    Aetna High Deductible: Self Only coverage:
    Government share: $201.03/m
    Employee share: $ 67.01/m
    Total: $268.04/m OR $3204.48 per year!

    Now, I just saved our Government $800/yr per person! And everyone has coverage for catastrophic, unforeseen medical costs. Through other mechanisms, we can address those folks that cannot handle the deductible, but thats the easy part!

    Wow, a proposal that protects doctors, hospitals, providers, insurance companies, AND CITIZENS...

  5. Just think of the economic stimulus that would happen if individuals and businesses were not saddled with healthcare premium costs for their catastrophic mediacl costs?

    Isn't GM, Chrysler and Ford all complaining about legacy costs of retired worker healthcare?

    With supersonic advances in medical care, there is not an actuarial firm in the world that can project costs out for even 10 years...

  6. An update from my insurance cost post!!

    according to National Coalition on Healthcare, 2007 US Spending on healthcare was $7900/person(not $4,000 as I stated)!

    So, my idea would save the US Government $3700/yr per person!!

    Call you congressman NOW PLEASE...

  7. Wrong again Grant! Sorry, coffee did not kick in yet when I did the math for my program:
    Federal High Deductible Aetna West Michigan Plan: $3200/yr single coverage. US PAYS: $7900/person as of 2007!
    So, if we all (including medicare, military, veterans, medicaid, employer paid, etc ) shift to the current Federal Employee Plan paid for by the Government, WE WILL SAVE AT LEAST $4700/yr PER PERSON.
    That's not the clinker. "Family Coverage" only costs $7200/yr under the Federal Employee Plan. So, my friends, we can shift our families to this plan and save the US Government $23,000/yr approximately, assuming a family of four?
    Come on already, this is a no brainer! 100% Coverage for all, while not moving to a government run, single payor system. I will discuss the High Deductible mechanism in another post soon...
