Monday, February 16, 2009

Business Issues Today...

This section is reserved for "all things business". At this state of our global economic situation, I envision discussion on Banking and Wall Street Reforms, and the realization that many societies no longer live in the Industrial Age, but have been in the Information Age for some time and need to wake up and see the impacts to all aspects of daily life.


  1. Job creation and stimulus in one move:

    In my section on Healthcare reform, I talk about costs that the US pays for healthcare for a system that does not cover everyone.

    Think about current issues with the US Auto Industry and costs of retiree healthcare.

    If we shift this off the backs of individuals and business, think of the dollars that will free up and the ability to hire workers, knowing that direct healthcare dollars are a hudge variable cost many can't project.

  2. Efficiency efforts are great, but someone at your firm better be in charge of Innovation, or your customers and business will dry up...

    Yes, most of you already know this, but many don't. Case-in-point: Big Three Auto Industry. In the 50's and 60's, these businesses were the top models of Industrial Capacity. However, when we now do business at the speed of light, your Innovation needs to speed up...I have hope for some brands at GM, and certain lines at Ford. GM and Ford need to define "Best-in-Class" lines/Brands. Chrysler is dead, Jeep should be given to GM if they want to be the "Truck" company.

    What is going on? Now we hear that Circuit City (bankruptcy) is paying executives bonuses!

    Does the old formula of Revenue-Expenses=Net Income?

    If businesses are loosing money, bankrupt, getting bailouts, etc, shouldn't the Creditors, Government and Shareholders get the scraps? Seems like Board rooms need to do some explaining.

    For those of you, like me, with business degrees, I am sure you remember taking a required Ethics Class. Why?
