Friday, November 20, 2009

Building a Better Heath Care System: Specifications for Reform - by National Coalition on Heath Care

This week I received an invitation from Congressman Peter Hoekstra's office to visit with his staff and discuss my concerns and ideas for innovative solutions regarding reform (actually systemic overhaul).

As I prepare for my meeting, I came across a very recent resource by the National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC.ORG) entitled "Building a Better Health Care System: Specifications for Reform".  This is available for download as a PDF  file at: . 

The NCHC, is a bipartisan organization that includes Hon. Co-Chairs, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter.  Their current co-chairs include a former Republican governor and a former Democratic congressman.  The president is even a physician.  When you visit the sponsor/member page, you will be amazed at the cross-section of Americans from labor unions, trade associations, religious organizations, medical schools, etc.  

As a former Certified Financial Planner and Employee Benefits specialist, even though I am pro-healthcare overhaul, I am concerned that the way the Democratic Majority is taking an "incremental" approach that is affecting one segmented issue and group at a time.  This methodology is very polarizing as we all have seen. What the NCHC and I feel, is that we are faced with a huge systemic problem with our health care system in the US that needs immediate overhaul, not just trying to plug holes in the dam.

Take a look at their website and this new document.  I trust you will see that indeed, our current system is unsustainable and with a few common sense innovations, we can postion our country to take advantage of this global economy in a much more advantageous position.

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